Research on Dietary & Nutritional Influences
on Mental Health

Book Chapter:

DeBoer (Hopkins) LB, Davis ML, Powers MB, & Smits JAJ. (2012). Dietary supplements. In S. Hofmann (Ed.), Psychobiological Approaches for Anxiety Disorders: Treatment Combination Strategies. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9781119945901.ch9

Conference Presentations:

Katterman S, Hood M, Nackers L, Hoover V, DeBoer (Hopkins) LB, & Corsica J. (2014, April). Dietary intake, eating behavior, and sleep in individuals presenting to treatment for stress-related eating. Poster presented at the 35th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of SBM, Philadelphia, PA.

DeBoer (Hopkins) LB, Davis ML, Powers MB, Smits JAJ. (2012, April). Dietary supplements for anxiety disorders: A systematic review. Poster presented at 32nd annual ADAA conference, Arlington, VA.